25 Questions for cities

The core of the project is an installation consisting of 25 digitally enhanced traffic cones. Each cone is both a question and a polling station, inviting passers-by to share their viewpoints in public space, with their fellow citizens. Responses are recorded to show differing opinions over time, with the installation itself showcasing the collective opinion of the most recent visitors. Though a single question is binary, together the collection of questions provide a nuanced picture of a complex decision-making process.

So far, the cones have been installed in Copenhagen, London, and Linz, with questions that focus on the relationship between liveable cities and technology. Future iterations of the project will see the cones installed in even more places, relating to other salient topics, from mobility to climate change. Over time, we hope that these insights will develop into a better collective understanding of public opinion and decision-making. 

We will make all knowledge collected available to the public, and we hope that lessons learned can help all cities, developers, technologists, designers, and activists make informed choices around citymaking and public engagement.